Adsense phenomenon among Bloggers


Adsense phenomenon among Bloggers
The phenomenon of Google AdSense among Bloggers who use Blogger platform Blogger in my opinion quite interesting, the phenomenon that I mean here is about the AdSense monetization button on the Blogger dashboard where the button can now be directly clicked to register to monetize each Blog.But interesting to note is where among the new Bloggers who first create a blog with the main goal is to earn revenue through blog monetization with Google AdSense. So now many young bloggers popping up but not a few who have been tempted first by the lure of getting dollars ($) from Google AdSense, not a few of them directly click the AdSense monetization button on their Blog dashboard with full confidence .Not even a few of them who confidently post by creating a thread on social networking forums that blogs that are new age of the day with the number of articles 1-2 posts can be didafftarkan to Google AdSense and directly approve and direct ads appear but some time then the ad display disappears.In fact there are some of them who ask this: mas ask for advice and how ngatasinnya how, I just register my blog to Google AdSense and immediately accepted now I've been able to go into the AdSense dashboard and ads have appeared but not long after the ads disappeared and display ads so blank ??!There are still many young Bloggers who do not know that the process of registering for Google AdSense there are two steps called Review of First Stage and Review of Second Stage.
Usually the first stage review is easy but to get past the second phase of the Review and received Google AdSense that is sometimes quite difficult and takes a long time.Even after being accepted by Google AdSense and displaying ads on blogs, there are still many processes that must be passed and championed, including increasing Blog visitors to Increase AdSense Revenue to quickly generate the coffers of Rupiah through blog monetization.Apparently there are still many who misinterpret the AdSense monetization buttons that exist on the dashboard blog, but actually register the Blog to be monetized with Google Adsense is easy that difficult is how our blog to be accepted Google AdSense in order to be monetized and display ads from Google AdSense, because to be able accepted Google AdSense blogs that are registered must already meet the webmaster quality policy and Google AdSense policies.Indeed, making Money by monetizing Blogs is just a means to earn extra money, not as a primary source of income.
Unless a managed blog is a blog where the product's own marketing is sold to buyers through online buying.It is true and undeniable that among the senior Bloggers there are some of them who successfully and successfully memonetisasi their blog and generate hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month from Google AdSense, but to achieve success that their struggle is not as easy as imagined.Accepted Google AdSense to monetize Blog and display ads from Google AdSense does not mean can be successful and get the results of hundreds to thousands of dollars per month.
Perhaps only a few percent of the Google AdSense players who already enjoy the results.Do not believe??!Just ask the senior Bloggers who have been successful AdSense publishers how long they struggled to build their Blog to be famous, then how long they managed to get the results of their efforts when first getting paid from Google AdSense by monetizing their Blog, then how the struggle they keep their Blog and Google AdSense accounts secure and avoid the risk of being banned by Google.Try to follow the footsteps of the seniors in order to participate Success is good but do not look only from their success but see also the struggles and processes that must be passed to achieve it.
But trying is the way to success and we as human beings are required to strive to achieve dreams and ideals, including becoming a successful Blogger by monetizing Blog through Google AdSense, but do not forget that everything requires struggle and process to achieve it.Actually have a blog and earn a little extra money not only through Google AdSense alone, there are still many ways to make money from blogs without AdSense, whether it is by monetizing blogs with other Advertising Network Sites as well as independent Ads and selling Products that can be offered through Blog.Perhaps I used to look at the phenomenon of Google AdSense in Blogger Circles. Thank You and Regards Blogging

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