6 Ways / Steps Flatten Stomach in 30 Days


6 Ways / Steps Flatten Stomach in 30 Days

Belly stomach is always a problem, from health to confidence level. But all you have to worry about is the health risks. Because the distended stomach is synonymous with excess fat in the body.

Surely we do not want to get the bad effects of the belly that continues bulging is not it? For that, you need to do some ways that will reduce the circumference of your stomach. The trick is not difficult, you just simply control what you eat.

In addition, mild exercise is also needed, so the stomach is always ideal. Well, if you want to get rid of a pot belly in 30 days, can do some steps below. And guaranteed your bloated belly will be lost.

1. Reduce your calorie intake

Food intake affects your weight, especially if your food is high-calorie, such as sweet foods. You simply reduce it, not avoid it.

2. Avoid carbohydrates

If you eat more rice than the side dishes, then start now. Expand the side dishes you eat, and reduce the consumption of rice. Simply consume 25 percent of the rice from your diet. And multiply eat vegetables and grains.

3. Eat protein-rich foods at breakfast

Protein is great for removing excess fat. Protein gives you the energy you need throughout the day, but it does not contribute to body fat. You can get it from egg or soy at breakfast.

4. Include soup and yogurt in your diet

Yogurt should be included in your daily diet plan. It helps to lose weight and also regulate the normal functioning of the digestive system. Yogurt helps prevent bloating problems, which can affect your stomach. The soup is obviously a low-calorie maanan.

5. Cardio exercise

Well, if you go to the gym regularly, then you should focus on cardio exercises. Cardio work on the abs. This will help you to lose excess weight around the abdominal area. Do cardio workout at least five times a week.

6. Yoga Pose

There are many yoga poses that can help you lose weight. Do yoga every day. You should do this regularly to lose weight.

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