How to Cattle or Gurame Fish Cultivation


How to Cattle or Gurame Fish Cultivation

Livestock or Gouramy Cultivation has a very good prospect. High demand, insufficient production, and stable prices are the three fundamental things that serve as proof of how this business deserves attention. In addition to these three things, the price of carp is also somewhat higher than other freshwater fish that makes it relatively more profitable.

Besides that potential, the support factor of carp culture is also very adequate. The availability of large areas of land, data and information on appropriate cultivation techniques, available feeding at all times, and many generated gouramy seeds by the government through Balai Benih Induk (BBI).

As for entering this gouramy cultivation business, there are 4 areas that can be selected to accelerate financial turnover. Fields that can be taken based on the cultivation stage that is, hatchery, nursery, enlargement, and marketing.
Site Selection of Cultivation
Gurame can indeed live in "any place". However, still the condition of the land is very influential on growing kembangnyanya. The determinants of land quality are soil condition, water temperature, water acidity, oxygen, and water fertility level. How to Cattle or Gurame Fish Cultivation
Terms grow optimally:
Altitude 20 - 500 m asl.
Clay type of loose clay soil with 40% sand content.
Temperature 25 - 28 C
Ideal pH 6.5 - 7 with hardness 7 HD
Adequate oxygen
Mineral-rich water and nutrients
Preparation Before Gurame Cultivation

Before the implementation of cultivation of carp, there are some things that need to be prepared. The most important of course is the manufacture of ponds. Pool conditions determine the success or failure of the carpentry business. There are several pools that must be owned in the cultivation of the carp.

Pool maintenance of the mains. This pool serves to prepare the eggs kematangang and maintain the health of the mother. This pool is a pool of land about 10 m2 with minimum depth of 50 cm and the density of pond contains 20 female gurame and 10 male tail.

Spawning pool. Spawning pool is a land pool with an area of ​​200 - 300 m2. In this pond, for one adult fish requires an area of ​​2 - 10 square meters. Ideal water temperature 24 - 28 C with water depth of 75 - 100 cm.
Pool nursery or seed maintenance. This pond area is not more than 50 - 100 m2 with a depth of 30 - 50 cm. Pool density should be 5 - 50 heads per square meter. Pool density should be 5 - 50 heads per square meter.

Swimming magnification. This pool serves as a place to maintain and raise the seeds after the nursery pond. Pool density should be no more than 10 tails per square meter.

Pool bending. This pool is a pool of soil or cement with running water as a place to clean the fish before it is marketed. The goal is that fish do not contain dirt and do not smell mud.

Other preparations required are in the form of supporting facilities. A variety of supporting facilities are needed in the cultivation of the carp, such as laying substrate, aerator, transportation equipment, fishing gear, and other necessities such as lime, fertilizer, and medicines.
Gurame Fish Hatchery

Hatchery efforts include the maintenance of mothers, spawning, hatching eggs, and larval treatments to the size of bii oyong. The larvae aged 12 - 30 days are then treated until the weight reaches 10 - 15 g / tail (age 4 months). Seeds of this size are ready to be edited. However, there are also seeds that sell eggs for hatching.

Since the seeding section is one of the three most important processes in carp breeding, we present it in a special article.

Pendederan Ikan Gurame

Kegiatan pendederan meliputi pemeliharaan benih berukuran 10 – 15 g/ekor sampai ukuran 150 g/ekor. Bobot gurame sebesar ini biasanya dicapai saat benih berumur enam bulan dari penetasan telur. Ada pendederan yang dimulai dari ukuran yang lebih besar, yakni 15 – 30 g/ekor, tetapi ada juga yang mendederkan benih gurame dari larva atau ketika seukuran biji oyong.

Karena bagian pendederan ini adalah salah satu dari tiga bagian proses terpenting dalam budidaya ikan gurame, maka kami sajikan dalam artikel khusus.

Pembesaran Ikan Gurame

Kegiatan pembesaran merupakan lanjutan dari pendederan. Benih dari pendederan akan dibesarkan hingga mencapai ukuran konsumsi dengan bobot rata-rata 500 g/ekor. Namun, penentuan ukuran panen pembesaran gurame juga disesuaikan dengan permintaan konsumen. Karena ada juga konsumen yang meminta gurame berukuran di atas 1 kg/ekor.

Karena bagian pembesaran ini adalah salah satu dari tiga bagian proses terpenting dalam budidaya ikan gurame, maka kami sajikan dalam artikel khusus.


After reaching the weight of consumption, it is time to harvest. Harvesting gouramy should be done in the morning between the hours of 05:00 to 08:00 to keep the fish fresh and not stressed.

Harvesting is done by throwing out the pool water. The water entry door is closed and the water discharge door is opened. The water in the pond is removed to some extent and the carp is congregated in the kamalir. Catching is done using a drain or similar device that does not cause the gurame bodily injury.

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